Ritchie County Humane Society Petfinder 727 Cooper Street Harrisville, West Virginia 26362 304-643-4721 We partner with the Ritchie County Humane Society and many of the dogs that we have available for adoption come from their shelter. Please look at their site and review the animals that are available. If you see one you are…
This is ARNNE’s DONOR WALL where we acknowledge donations to ARNNE in honor of or in loving memory of special animals, people and groups. Donations can be made in loving memory, in honor, and to the Max Fund for Senior Dogs. Thank you to all of our amazing and wonderful donors who rescue animals every…
Thank you to our sponsors A great big THANK YOU to ARNNE’s sponsors!!! Support the people and businesses who support ARNNE and the dogs! Thank you to our Donors Dear Animal Supporter, Thank you for your donation to ARNNE. Thank you on behalf of all of the dogs that your donation will help. You are…
A special thanks to the Beaver Valley Farm for donating the highest quality food for our animals. Shopping at Beaver Valley directly benefits the shelter dogs. Adopted dogs go home with a discount coupon for food and supplies. Please visit them at:17 Main St, Pelham, NH 03076(603) 635-2597Link to map Thanks to PIP’s for our…