Thanks to Our Sponsors

A special thanks to the Beaver Valley Farm for donating the highest quality food for our animals.
Shopping at Beaver Valley directly benefits the shelter dogs. Adopted dogs go home with a discount coupon for food and supplies.
Please visit them at:
17 Main St, Pelham, NH 03076
(603) 635-2597
Link to map

Thanks to PIP’s for our PAD balloons!
PIP Jewelry and Novelty
49 Bridge St Pelham, NH 03076‎
(603) 635-9913
Link to map

Thanks to Windham Animal Hospital for sponsoring adoption and fundraising events and for all the care they provide to our animals!
Visit them on the web at Windham Animal Hospital
Link to map
Special thanks to Cathy at Sea-Jay photography for all the wonderful photos of our pets.

Thanks to the Third graders in Mrs. Robin Andrews’ class at Pelham Elementary School who own and operate Bow Wow Biscuits.
All profits from the sale of their homemade biscuits are donated to ARNNE. Way to go kids!!
Visit their web site at

Thanks to the Lowell Sun for publishing our ‘pet of the week’!
Visit them at

Thanks to the Nashua Telegraph for publishing our ‘pet of the week’! Visit them at

Thanks to Access Nashua -Community Television for airtime on Gate City Chronicles which will air on Ch. 96

Thank you to Hollis Village Pet Supply.
Thanks for your donations of food, toys, treats to our rescue dogs.
Visit them on Facebook

Thanks to Good Mojo Dog Training Center is donating training for our dogs!
Visit them at Good Mojo Dog Manor

Thanks to Bailey Chairs 4 Dogs for their chair donation to ARNNE! Visit them at Baily Chairs 4 Dogs

Thanks to Anitech Dog Traing for their help with our dogs. Visit them at
Visit them at Anitech Dog Training

Thanks to AllBreeds Canine Traing Center for their help with our dogs. Visit them at
Visit them at All Breeds K9 Training

Thanks to Fur-N-Feathers for their help with our dogs. Visit them at:
Visit them at Fur n Feathers Spa

Thanks to Journey’s End for the help with our dogs. Visit them at

Thanks to Lowell Road Vet for helping with our pet care!
Visit them at Lowell Road Vet

Thanks to WMUR for giving our dogs some face time on their network! Visit WMUR

Thanks to Chilly Dogs for the large dog coats! Visit it them at Chilly Dogs

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