Basset Hounds
New England Basset Hounds
P.O. Box 321, Rutland, MA 0154
New England Basset Hounds
P.O. Box 321, Rutland, MA 0154
Northeast Animal Shelter
Concord Merrimack County SPCA 130 Washington Street, Penacook, NH 03303 Phone: (603) 753-6751 Fax: (603) 753-9709 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH09″]
Animal Allies PO Box 693, Manchester, NH 03105-0693 603-228-6755 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH67″]
Brew Beagles
Animal Rescue Network of New England, Inc. is proud to give and receive support from these animal rescue organizations. If you are with a shelter or rescue group and would like to be posted on our site, send us an email on our contact page. [custom_menu_wizard menu=28 children_of=1487]
Cocheco Valley Humane Society 262 County Farm Road Dover, NH 03820