Pet Adoption Days

Manchester Animal Shelter 490 Dunbarton Road Manchester, NH 03105 Phone: (603) 628-3544 Fax: (603) 628-3624 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH25″]
Dogs 2nd Chance Munford, TN 38058
4 the Love of Dog PO Box 107 Hillsboro, NH 03244 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH74″]
Labs 4 Rescue P.O. Box 955, Killingworth, CT, 06419 [shelter_list shelter_id=”CT178″] Maine Lab Rescue Windham, ME [shelter_list shelter_id=”ME131″]
Papillon Rescue of the Northeast (PRONE) PO Box 939 Pelham, NH 03076
Dog4u Camden, SC 29020 (803) 243 3773 Dog4u transports southern dogs to New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont and New York. You can also contact Buddy Humane in Sudbury, New Hampshire. [shelter_list shelter_id=”SC392″]