Putts Fore Mutts
Putts Fore Mutts Golf Registration 2024
"*" indicates required fields

16th Annual “Putts Fore Mutts” Golf Tournament
October 7th, 2024
18 Hole Scramble Format Golf Tournament
Registration/Check-in opens at 6:30 am
Shotgun Start 8:00 am
The entry fee for golfers is $150
Includes 18 holes of golf, cart, complimentary use of driving range, and lunch at the completion of the game.
Complimentary photos of players will be taken by Kathy Foytho
Not a golfer??
Don’t miss out on the fun. Join us for lunch and your chance to win one of our exciting RAFFLES.
$35 for lunch-only attendees.

Please join us for an exciting day of golf, contests, and prizes. We also have a variety of sponsorships available.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Executive Sponsor $1500
Cart Fleet Sponsor $750
Lunch Sponsor $500
Scoreboard Sponsor $250
Hole Sponsor $150
“In Honor/Memory of” Sponsor $50
Registration Deadline is September 25, 2023
Register using the form below
For more information please email us at: Putts4mutts.arnne@gmail.com
Thank You for your support!