Salem Animal Rescue League
4 SARL Drive, Salem, NH 03079
(603) 893-3210
4 SARL Drive, Salem, NH 03079
(603) 893-3210
Upper Valley Humane Society 300 Old Route 10, Enfield, NH 03748 (603) 448-6888 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH08″]
Sullivan County Humane Society 14 Tremont Street Post Office Box 111 Claremont, New Hampshire 03743 603-542-3277 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH83″]
NH SPCA Mail: New Hampshire SPCA, PO Box 196, Stratham, NH 03885 Location: New Hampshire SPCA, 104 Portsmouth Ave, Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-2921
Papillon Rescue of the Northeast (PRONE) PO Box 939 Pelham, NH 03076
Northeast Animal Shelter
Manchester Animal Shelter 490 Dunbarton Road Manchester, NH 03105 Phone: (603) 628-3544 Fax: (603) 628-3624 [shelter_list shelter_id=”NH25″]